
Free copies of each of these books are available at the church. Just ask :)


Author: Peter Scazzero

Why we recommend it: This book teaches that it is impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. This books opens our eyes to the emotional burdens we carry, and instructs us on how to grow in maturity with our emotions.

why bother with church?

Author: Sam Allberry

Why we recommend it: This short little book addresses a question many of us ask today, “why do I even need the church today?” If you’ve ever asked this question, this book helps explain why its existence is so meaningful for modern people.

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Author: Timothy Keller

Why we recommend it: It is thoughtful, respectful to your intellect, deeply engaging to the modern person’s concerns about religion. But it is also unapologetically hopeful and confident about why Jesus is the answer to our deepest longings.

Practicing the way: Be with Jesus, become like him, do what he did

Author: John Mark Comer

Why we recommend it: This is a beautiful book all about what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus. It gives 9 key practices to spiritual growth and gives practical help with developing a personal “rule of life.”


Author: Tom Wright

Why we recommend it: Salem is a city where spirituality is assumed, but religion… not so much. How do these 2 terms relate? This book is a thoughtful, compelling book about how the gospel of Jesus powerfully gives us what we need most.

EAT THIS BOOK: A conversation in the art of spiritual reading

Author: Eugene Peterson

Why we recommend it: Want to know not just why to read the Bible, but actually how to read the Bible? This book is fabulous, and easy to read. This book challenges us to read the Scriptures on their own terms.

Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers

Author: Dane Ortlund

Why we recommend it: It is all about the heart of Jesus Christ himself. It is biblical, direct, to the point. For those looking to see who Jesus is and how he described himself, this book is excellent.

Confronting Christianity

Author: Rebecca McLaughlin

Why we recommend it: This book discusses 12 hard questions that people have about Christianity, the world’s largest religion. It is direct, but also gentle in how it answers these questions.

Why I Am A Christian

Author: John Stott

Why we recommend it: John Stott is one of the best Christian thinkers of the past century. This is his heart-felt explanation as to why he believes in the gospel as the one true hope of the world.

Water from a Deep Well

Author: Gerald Sitser

Why we recommend it: This is a history book that discusses how the Christianity of today didn’t just appear out of nowhere. There is 2,000 years of traditions, stories, and people that comprise this beautiful faith.

Bible Resources

These are wonderful resources to help you read & understand the Bible.

CASKET-EMPTY timelines

Authors: Carol Kaminski & David Palmer

Why we recommend them: It can be so confusing to know where you are in chronological order when reading the Bible. These timelines help not only with that, but also with helping understand the one big overarching story of the Bible - Jesus Christ himself and how he fits into the whole story from Genesis to Revelation.

Click to find the CASKET-EMPTY online store

infographics by wesley huff

Find these really helpful infographics on the Bible, manuscripts, archaeology, translation, church history, holidays, theology, the Trinity, doctrines of grace, world religions, and more.

Click here to see all the infographics.

Online Resources

These are excellent resources to help you understand God and his ways.

“bible project” videos on youtube

Why we recommend it: If you have questions about specific books of the Bible, hard topics, how themes relate to one another, or other similar questions, the Bible Project does a wonderful job of providing clarity. With beautiful short videos, podcasts, articles, and visual helps, the Bible Project can be such a help to your daily Bible reading.

“321 Course” by speak life

Why we recommend it: Perspective is everything. How do you see life? 321 is a course that invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations.

Click here to learn more about the free online course.