How does thankfulness connect to a life of godliness? Listen in to 1 Timothy 4:1-5 and discover how we can cultivate a heart of thankfulness.
Mystery (1 Timothy 3:14-16)
Mystery. It's a word that first seems to describe things we cannot know or understand. So what does "the mystery of godliness" mean then? Listen in today as we learn what it looks like for followers of Jesus to live a mysteriously beautiful life.
The Inconvenient Savior (Mark 5:24-34)
In our hectic and busy world, it's so easy to be inconvenienced by even little things. But Jesus was never inconvenienced. As we come together on this special "Hope Sunday" with Amirah, listen in to what James Hunt teaches us about how the great heart of Jesus meets any person, no matter the circumstances.
Aspiration (1 Timothy 3:1-13)
What do you aspire for most in life? What does God call all of us to, some of us, and the whole church to? Listen in today to learn more about God's beautiful design for the church.
Quiet (1 Timothy 2:1-15)
In a noisy, busy, chaotic world, what kind of life are we to live? What is the life we all want to find? What does God even desire? Listen in today as we lean into those questions, and discover how some (at first glance) controversial statements actually pave the way to the discovery of true life itself.
Conscience (1 Timothy 1:18-20)
How do your beliefs and your behavior relate? how important are they to relate? Listen in today to learn more about what a "good conscience" really is and why it is so crucial to our spiritual life.
Strengthened (1 Timothy 1:12-17)
We live in a "strong man" world. Most times it feels like, for us to succeed at all, we need to muscle up and grab life by the horns. But, in reality, this is the worst thing we should do. Listen in today to learn how acknowledging and leaning into our weaknesses might actually be the best thing for us.
Healthy (1 Timothy 1:8-11)
In order to live, we must be healthy. But what does this mean? Listen in today as we learn about "healthy doctrine" from 1 Timothy and discern together how our sin and brokenness relaters toa life of true godliness.
Sincerity (1 Timothy 1:3-7)
We live in a world where many people want to believe in God or have a general interest in church or Jesus. However, sincere faith is perhaps harder to come by. So what is sincere faith and how do we cultivate it in our lives? Listen in today as we truly begin the road towards genuine godliness.
Hope (1 Timothy 1:1-2)
As we begin a new year, this is a time to decide anew what road we want to walk. Today we begin a new journey through the letter of 1 Timothy with the hopes of discovering together what a life of true godliness can look like in the modern world. Listen in as we begin the journey today with how Jesus is our Hope.
The End is the Beginning (Matthew 1:21-25; Philippians 2:1-11)
The end of the genealogy of Matthew 1 is Jesus. He is not only the center of the Christmas story, but also the Story of history itself. How so? What does a new beginning look like for us at the end of the genealogy?
Who is God Really? (Isaiah 8.5-22)
Immanuel is one of the most important names in the Scriptures. It means "God With Us." But what does it mean for us? What does it teach us about who God really is?
The Singing Mother (Luke 1:46-55)
Mary is so important to the Christmas story. But why? Have we misunderstood her? How is she to be understood, for all her importance and fame? Listen in today to hear how she magnifies the Lord.
The Foster Father (Matthew 1:16-21)
One of the most famous names in the Bible has also one of the most mysterious stories in the Bible. What do we know about Joseph of Nazareth, the foster father of Jesus? And why is he important for us today?
Redeeming the Unknown (Matthew 1:13-16; Revelation 7)
Do you ever feel unknown? Like a nobody? Wondering when your real purpose will be revealed in this life? Listen in today as we learn about 9 unknown men from the genealogy of Jesus and the powerful truth they point us toward.
Redeeming the Used (Haggai 1-2)
What is my purpose in life? How do I understand my purpose when I don't see tangible results? Listen in today as we learn about a relatively unstudied person in the Bible, Zerubbabel, and how he relates to our stories today.
Redeeming the Striving (2 Kings 22-23)
All of us strive for something (or even many things) in life. These are our hopes and dreams put into action. But what do we do when what we strive for doesn't come about? Is it possible for our striving to be redeemed? Listen in today and learn about King Josiah's striving and how Jesus Christ redeems all of our striving.
Redeeming the Powerful (2 Kings 20:1-19)
How are we to understand the role of power in our world today? In the genealogy of Jesus, we see many powerful kings - some good and some bad. How does Jesus Christ redeem power and how does it affect how we engage in politics and elections today? Listen in today as we direct our gaze upon the Lamb on the eternal throne.
Redeeming the Longing (2 Chronicles 15:1-19)
What do you long for most in your life? In your deepest heart? As you consider that question, what do you do with that longing? How do you actually live your life with that longing? Listen in today as we learn from the Scriptures about God's deepest heart longing for us and how it changes everything.
Redeeming the Foolish (Matthew 1:6-7; 1 Kings 4:20-34)
Are you wise or foolish? As we ponder this question honestly, we must realize that we are both! Listen in to today's sermon as we learn about the wisest man in the Bible, and how even he couldn't be his own redeemer. There must be something more to wisdom that we must discover.