What we are committed to as a church
1. Curiosity
Seek and Find
What is true spirituality? What is the meaning of all things? Is God real? Was Jesus really who he said he was? While YouTube & google can provide some answers for you, we want to invite you to bring your curiosity to a space where conversation & dialogue can happen. We aim to be a place where you can come with your unique personality, and receive genuine, authentic time to process life aloud with others. Come ask the hard questions, seek real answers, and explore the message of Jesus in genuineness & freedom. Be curious and search for the depth you long for in the modern world.
Jesus said, “seek and you will find” (Matthew 7:7)
2. Community
Life Together
You don’t have to go through life alone. We aim to be a church that creates spaces for real community for all kinds of people, including you in all your uniqueness. We invite you into our group of diverse people, who at first glance may have no logical reason to be gathered together (and are certainly not perfect!), but who actually have a beautiful unity together. Come journey with us.
Jesus said, “I came so that you may have life to the full.” (John 10:10)
3. Surprise
The Hope of Good News
What’s the greatest thing about a surprise? We can’t anticipate or go find surprises… instead, surprises find us. The hope of the Christian faith is no different. We believe it is the single greatest surprise of all, for our soul and for our entirety of life.
“Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)
What is the Good News of Jesus?
Our own curiosity, through genuine community, has led us to the surprising hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells one unified Story about the first-century Jewish carpenter who changed the world for good. It’s a story about the God who laid down his life for the many, and who has made us whole again. All in love, poured out in authentic grace.
The Good News for the whole world is not a merely a good religion and it’s certainly not just a good list of moral rules to follow in order to be a good person. The Good News is a person, Jesus Christ.
Becoming the you you were always meant to be
We believe Jesus puts us back on the path to truly being who we were meant to be. Our truest identity (the person you deep-down long to be and were meant to be) can actually be found. How? By coming to understand a few important things:
First, Jesus was a real person — an actual historical, real, and (we believe) uniquely perfect & sinless person. A person just like you and me, except that He lived a perfect life. He knows you because he was fully human, just like you. Anything you feel or go through, Jesus understands.
Second, Jesus was fully Good. He lived in a way no human had since brokenness entered the world. He was perfectly obedient, loving, compassionate - in thought, action, word, deed, intention. He was perfect. And Jesus living a perfect human life means there is hope — hope for every human and for every thing in the whole cosmos. He lived the life that we were always meant to live, but couldn’t. Jesus could though because He is God Himself, but with skin on.
Third, Jesus came with News. Jesus came on a rescue mission from God to redeem all that was broken and lost — including (and especially) all of us. In the message of the Bible, Jesus is the central character of the Story. The whole message of this ancient text points to the need of a Savior, details the coming of a Savior, and then showcases the life, death, & resurrection of the Savior. The news emphasized as most important to us is this — Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, He raised from the dead defeating sin and death forever, and now reigns in victory over all things as the true King of all the cosmos.
Finally, Jesus is making all things new forever. Not only did Jesus bring this as Good News for our lives today while alive on earth, but he also brought the News for after we die and for all eternity — that God is actually making all things new forever. This means a fully new and perfect reality is coming. A New Heaven and a New Earth. A final hopeful destiny for all those who believe. One final beautiful Day, there will be no more death, pain, or tears anymore. This is what Jesus’ 33 years on earth were ultimately for. His perfect life, sacrificial death on that Roman cross outside of Jerusalem, and his resurrection from the dead 3 days later, brought salvation for the whole world, and inaugurated a new future Hope for all who believe in Him.
This is a most gracious & amazingly generous gift from God, flowing out from His heart of abundant love and extravagant grace for all people. The message of Jesus and the Bible is a life raft of salvation for people everywhere, & eternal healing for broken people of all kinds. All this is Good News. It alone can make you the real you again.
Journey with us
For us as a little church here in Salem then, everything then we teach and do in our city is forged out of the core conviction that God is love, truth, and grace, and that He’s working all things for good, because of the Person of Jesus Christ. God pursued us in our curiosity, drew us into His loving community, and continues to surprise us with His love and grace.
We’d love to hear from you. Come be curious with us and discover the surprise for yourself.
Have a question(s) or would like to connect?
No question is too small or too big. We’re all on this lifelong spiritual journey together. Only a pastor will read your submission. Fill out the form below & we’ll get back to you ASAP.