Join us for a special Adult Sunday School class for the Christmas Season

When? 9:00-10:15am each Sunday

Where? Ann Judson Room

What? Book study of Is Christmas Unbelievable? (by Rebecca McLaughlin)

Will books be provided? Yes!

Join us for a 4-week book study of Rebecca McLaughlin’s book Is Christmas Unbelievable? This is a great book for believers and skeptics alike, so all are warmly invited!

Book Description: “Many people assume that the story of the baby in the manger at Bethlehem is just another made-up fantasy for kids. In this concise book, respected apologist Rebecca McLaughlin outlines the evidence that Jesus was a real person, explaining the reliability of the Bible’s accounts of his life and why believing in a virgin birth is not as ridiculous as it might sound. This book shows that there is a rational basis for the belief that the world’s most famous story is fact, not fantasy—and how those events in history can infuse our lives today with meaning and joy.”

Sunday, November 28 - “Was Jesus Even a Real Person?”
Sunday, December 5 - “Can We Take the Gospels Seriously?”
Sunday, December 12 - “How Can You Believe in a Virgin Birth?”
Sunday, December 19 - “Why Does it Matter?”