“Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.”
— Ephesians 6:24

Palm Sunday Worship

March 24 @ 10:30am

On this day in history, Jesus triumphantly (yet humbly) rode into the city of Jerusalem for his final week on earth. Thousands of witnesses lined the streets and shouted his praises. Why? What did they think Jesus uniquely could do?

Sermon - “Fearless” (Ephesians 6:10-20)

Maundy Thursday SErvice

March 28 @ 5:00pm

This is a unique experiential service. We’ll have various stations set-up throughout the evening for - (1) prayer for the world, (2) personal reading/reflection, and (3) meeting for a special Lord’s Supper around a literal table.

Good Friday Service

March 29 @ 2:00pm

During Jesus’s last hour, while he hung in agony on the cross, we gather to listen to the Spirit of God, to remember the great Substitute, and to reflect on the One who gave it all for us. We come in quiet, and we leave in silent awe.

Resurrection Sunday Worship

March 31 @ 6:00am & 10:30am

Sunrise Service @ 6:00am

Come awake the day in worship & celebration with us, alongside Grace Community Church (Marblehead), as we sing “Christ is Risen!” as the sun first peaks above the ocean.

  • Location: Devereux Beach (99 Ocean Avenue, Marblehead, MA)

  • Parking: Park your car across the street at the Riverside Beach parking lot.

Worship Service @ 10:30am

After the journey of this week, we get a big celebration at the end! Jesus is alive, death is defeated, our sin is conquered. Jesus reigns forever and forever victorious.

Sermon - “Forever Love” (Ephesians 6:21-24)