Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace
among those with whom he is pleased!”
— Luke 2:14

2023 Advent Sundays

The Christmas season brings all sorts of emotions, memories, and busyness. We invite you to join us for a few special Sundays leading up to Christmas, as together we lean into hear the wholeness of what God offers through Jesus. For this year, we are longing to find his perfect peace that he promises. This year’s Advent sermon teachings focus on what the peace is that Jesus brings to us.

  • Nov 26 (10:30am) — World Peace

  • Dec 3 (10:30am) — Peace over Anxiety

  • Dec 10 (10:30am) — Peace over Fear

  • Dec 17 (10:30am) — Peace over Evil

  • Dec 24 (10:30am) — Peace over Division

Daily Advent Readings for you

Frontier Fellowship has provided us with a wonderful, daily Advent devotional to read this year entitled “Go + Tell.” As they describe,

This year's theme is focused on the ways the songs of Advent and Christmas help point us to the frontier. It is our prayer that the daily readings will inspire your personal reflection this Advent and deepen your love for least-reached peoples—those still without access to the Good News of Jesus.

Pick-up your hardcopy devotional at the church, or download below.