The wondrous cross that saved my soul,
that bore my sin and bought me whole,
a further wonder did achieve—
uniting all those who believe.

O, love amazing, love divine—
transform our hearts. (Lord, start with mine!)
As we’ve received, teach us to give:
born in your love, in love to live.
— Gary Parrett ("The Wondrous Cross Brought Down the Wall")

What is Lent?

Lent marks a 40-day period on the church calendar leading up to the celebration of Easter. During Lent, Christians have traditionally engaged in practices of self-denial, like fasting, meant to orient their hearts and minds to the sufferings of Christ, who spent 40 days in the desert fasting and enduring temptations from Satan.

Join us in weekly Lent readings

FREE Lent devotionals are available at the church now! Pick up your copy of “The Wondrous Cross” (put together by Christianity Today magazine) and read along with us throughout the weeks leading up to and through Easter Sunday.

Learn more about the devotional by clicking below.

2022 Lent Sundays

 Join us for the 7 Sundays of Lent. This year, we will be looking at 7 culturally-accepted modes of “spirituality”, but will be looking at how the cross of Jesus Christ brings trueness to each of them. To do so, we’ll listen to unique “parables” of Jesus.

March 6 (10:30am)

Curiosity & the Cross (Matt. 13:44-46)

March 13 (10:30am)

Silence & the Cross (Matt. 13:10-17)

March 20 (10:30am)

Community & the Cross (Matt. 13:24-30)

March 27 (10:30am)

Authenticity & the Cross (Luke 18:9-14)

April 3 (10:30am)

Rest & the Cross (Matthew 13:31-33)

April 10 (Palm Sunday, 10:30am)

Love & the Cross (Luke 15:11-32)

April 17 (Easter Sunday, 10:30am)

Surprise & the Cross (John 12:20-26)