“Lent is a time for discipline, for confession, for honesty, not because God is mean or fault-finding or finger-pointing but because he wants us to know the joy of being cleaned out, ready for all the good things he now has in store.
— N.T. Wright

What is Lent?

Lent marks a 40-day period on the church calendar leading up to the celebration of Easter. During Lent, Christians have traditionally engaged in practices of self-denial, like fasting, meant to orient their hearts and minds to the sufferings of Christ, who spent 40 days in the desert fasting and enduring temptations from Satan.

Join us in weekly Lent readings

FREE Lent devotionals are available at the church now! Pick up your copy of “The Road to Joy” and read along with us throughout the weeks leading up to and through Easter Sunday.

Learn more about the devotional by clicking below.