
Tangible Evidence (John 20:19-31)

While the claim of the resurrection of Jesus is a supernatural and miraculous claim, there is tangible evidence for it - both for the fearful disciples hidden in a locked room on the evening of the first Easter, for doubting Thomas, and for modern people like us. Listen in today as we listen to the evidence, as we believe what Thomas saw with his eyes and touched with his hands, and receive from God His greatest gift - the gift of life itself.

Books mentioned in the sermon:

  • Jesus and the Eyewitnesses (by Richard Bauckham)

  • The Resurrection of the Son of God (by N.T. Wright)

  • When Skeptics Ask (by Norman Geisler & Ronald Brooks)

  • I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist (by Frank Turek & Norman Geisler)

  • A Ready Defense (by Josh McDowell)

  • Hope in Times of Fear (by Timothy Keller)

  • Basic Christianity (by John Stott)

  • Living the Resurrection (by Eugene Peterson)