
The Pioneer & Perfecter (Hebrews 12:1-2)

“No one remembers who climbed Mount Everest the second time.” — Edmund Hillary

As we begin Holy Week and celebrate on Palm Sunday the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem before us, we focus in on the reality that Jesus is the true and only Pioneer of faith. What does that mean for us? Why is that important? How did Jesus live in the way we could never ourselves? Listen in today as we learn about the power of presence, freedom, and purpose that Jesus unlocks for us.

True Spirituality: Beauty and the Cross (Luke 15:11-32)

Humans are all beauty-seeking creatures. We love sunsets, delicious foods, the smell of spring flowers and so much more. But what is true beauty? Listen today to a well-known parable of Jesus, where He unveils for us the pursuing love of the Father.