
The Most Important Thing About Us (Jonah 4:5-11)

What is the most important thing about you? As we arrive at the end of Jonah's epic story, we begin to finally see God reveal Jonah's deepest heart. What does Jonah care most about? Through the object lesson of a plant and worm, God not only reveals Jonah's heart, but ours as well. Along the way, we discover the most important thing about God too - that He loves humans more than we ever thought possible.

Do You Do Well? (Jonah 4:1-4)

In all sincerity, how are you doing today? Is it well with your soul today? How would you answer God if that question was posed to you today? Listen in as Mike Lilley teaches us about how Jonah was doing after God showed great mercy on the city of Nineveh. Why was Jonah so angry? Is God neglecting justice for the sake of mercy? Listen in today to learn how God's deepest character and what makes Him uniquely able to be both just and merciful at once.

Keep the Change (Jonah 3:1-10)

In this story from Jonah today, we see a stunning change happen in the city of Nineveh. Jonah gets a second chance at obedience, the Word of God is delivered, and then repentance rolls throughout the city and the great compassion of God is seen. This is a great model for how change happens for us as well. Listen in today then and discover afresh how true changes settles deep into us.

True Spirituality: Beauty and the Cross (Luke 15:11-32)

Humans are all beauty-seeking creatures. We love sunsets, delicious foods, the smell of spring flowers and so much more. But what is true beauty? Listen today to a well-known parable of Jesus, where He unveils for us the pursuing love of the Father.

True Spirituality: Authenticity and the Cross (Luke 18:9-14)

Authenticity is something we all are longing for. We all want to be the real, genuine version of ourself. But how can I be truly me, and not some phony, fake version of myself? In this stirring parable today, Jesus shows how true life is found. Once again, in a surprising twist, Jesus shows that it's not by accomplishing something that we find ourselves. Rather, it is by acknowledging what we can never be. Listen in to today's sermon to learn more about the way of humility that Jesus so beautifully reveals.