
Do You Do Well? (Jonah 4:1-4)

In all sincerity, how are you doing today? Is it well with your soul today? How would you answer God if that question was posed to you today? Listen in as Mike Lilley teaches us about how Jonah was doing after God showed great mercy on the city of Nineveh. Why was Jonah so angry? Is God neglecting justice for the sake of mercy? Listen in today to learn how God's deepest character and what makes Him uniquely able to be both just and merciful at once.

True Spirituality: Rest and the Cross (Matthew 13:31-32)

We are a tired and weary generation, burned-out from overwork and unrealized rest. We long universally for rest today. But what can truly bring what we long for most? Listen in today to a classic parable of Jesus about a tiny seed that grows, and for a surprising answer to what our soul longs for.