Join us in praying for the world

We believe prayer changes the world. Therefore, as a little local church, we commit to praying each week for the wider world (for specific countries & ethnic people groups by name). This reflects our biblical conviction that every person is created in God’s image and has deep dignity, worth, and value. We pray specifically for people & places to come to know this God who created them & loves them with an “everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

To learn more about how to pray today for a specific country or people group of the world, click the buttons below.


Jeremy & Svatia Mueller

serving with: “Send international”

Serving in: Czech Republic

Serving in Svatia’s home country, their ministry is focused on disciple-making through the local church, university students, & neighborhood evangelism in the city of Prague. They have 2 kids, Emie & James.

garrett & cassie speck

serving with: “Youth with a mission”

After many years teaching the Bible in Kyiv, Ukraine, they have returned to the U.S. because of the ongoing war. They are settled in Montana with their children, but are continuing to teach through Zoom to Ukrainians. They have 3 kids, Levi, Nora, & Logan.


“Harry & Nora”

Serving in: Central Asia

We are pleased partner with a wonderful ministry couple who are laboring for Christ in a secure location in Central Asia. Their primary ministry is to help establish and shepherd home churches and lead Bible school ministries in this region of the world. Their real names are withheld here for security purposes.

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Aidan & Kara Conant

serving with: “SIM”

After serving in ministry in Bolivia, Aidan & Kara are now based in Charlotte, NC, serving at their mission’s global headquarters. They are active in mobilization ministry, helping recruit & send laborers to the nations.

Streams of Mercy orphanage

location: mandalay, myanmar

In one of the poorest nations of South East Asia many children become orphans due to poverty, drug addiction, childhood slavery and disease. The Little Stars Children’s Home is a refuge for these children. They are providing a stable home atmosphere, full of love, for children who are alone. The Little Stars Children’s home is serving children from 7 different tribal regions across Myanmar. They are focusing on the educational, spiritual and mental development of each child enabling them to become leaders in their society.