
Good From the Beginning (Psalm 104)

Psalm 104 assumes that there is a Creator of the whole universe and everything we see around us. But even deeper, what kind of Creator is it? Listen in today as we learn not only about the assumption of a Creator, but about what kind of person He is, and how we fall into a few common traps that cause us to miss the goodness of who He is.

Walking With God: Who? (Psalm 113)

This is the first of a 3-week mini-series, as we take a brief pause from our walk-through the book of Acts and now zoom in on what it means to personally "walk with God." This is the common image used throughout the Scriptures to describe people who are close to the heart of God, pursuing Him and being in His presence. But it's also the story of people who are being pursued by the loving and gracious God of the Bible, Today's first sermon in the series answers the basic question, "Who is God?" and gets into why walking with Him is even a good or desirable thing. Join us on this 3-week journey as we learn to walk with God in the modern world, with tremendous help from the ancient path trod by many faithful men and women before us.