
The Gospel in Jonah (Jonah 1:11-17)

What does Jesus have to do with Jonah? As the runaway prophet gets thrown overboard and hits the water, eventually finding himself famously in the mouth of a great fish, we see the stormy sea between Joppa and Tarshish calmed and the foreign sailors saved. When confronted with troubles and problems of various kinds in our lives, what will calm our troubled souls? Listen in today as we learn about sacrifice, substitution, and satisfaction - the heart of the Christian Gospel.

True Spirituality: Authenticity and the Cross (Luke 18:9-14)

Authenticity is something we all are longing for. We all want to be the real, genuine version of ourself. But how can I be truly me, and not some phony, fake version of myself? In this stirring parable today, Jesus shows how true life is found. Once again, in a surprising twist, Jesus shows that it's not by accomplishing something that we find ourselves. Rather, it is by acknowledging what we can never be. Listen in to today's sermon to learn more about the way of humility that Jesus so beautifully reveals.

True Spirituality: Curiosity and the Cross (Matthew 13:44-46)

Are you curious? As we begin the season of Lent ( the 40 days of reflection on the cross between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday), we begin a new series looking at spirituality. In a world that celebrates spiritualities, what is true that we can cling to? How does the cross of Jesus Christ factor in? Is it good to be curious? Let's learn from an old parable of Jesus about treasure to find the answer.

The Church: Persecution With Hope (Acts 22-23)

Today is "International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians." Beautifully, our text in Acts leads us straight into Paul's reckoning with his own persecution - both his personal history being a persecutor of Christians and now being on the receiving end of persecution. What is persecution for a Christian? Why does it exist? What we learn from the Scriptures is that God more than just allows persecution of His followers - He actually also uses it for powerful purposes. And not just for Himself, but beautifully in personal ways for the people receiving persecution. Listen in to learn more of this mysterious, yet hard, blessing of God.

Walking With God: Who? (Psalm 113)

This is the first of a 3-week mini-series, as we take a brief pause from our walk-through the book of Acts and now zoom in on what it means to personally "walk with God." This is the common image used throughout the Scriptures to describe people who are close to the heart of God, pursuing Him and being in His presence. But it's also the story of people who are being pursued by the loving and gracious God of the Bible, Today's first sermon in the series answers the basic question, "Who is God?" and gets into why walking with Him is even a good or desirable thing. Join us on this 3-week journey as we learn to walk with God in the modern world, with tremendous help from the ancient path trod by many faithful men and women before us.

The Church: Uncommon (Acts 10:1-11:18)

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The story of Cornelius and Peter in Acts 10-11 is told 3 separate times throughout those chapters. Because it's told three times, it must mean we need to really listen well to what is being told through that story! This sermon is about a clarion call to the global Church for all times - "God shows no partiality" (Acts 10:34) and the Church is for Jews and Gentiles. Listen in as we learn about what makes the Church uncommon in world always, and how the Olympic Games and NBA Finals give us examples.

Good Friday | Jesus: The Sacrificed Savior (Mark 15:15-41)


Sacrifice. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. The disgraced become the embraced. Listen in as we see those Jesus embraces while on the cross. Which does your soul identify with on this day?

Jesus: The Christ (Mark 8:27-9:1)

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This is the turning point in the gospel of Mark. Jesus begins to unveil to his disciples the identity of the one they've watched heal, teach, and forgive people. Jesus is "the Christ", the long-awaited Savior for the world. But what does His identity teach us, and, more so, what does it show those who take on His identity, "Christian"? Journey with us and Jesus to a place the world sees as a place for fools, losers, and outcasts. But Jesus all the while is paving a more redeeming, yet surprising, path.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot