
Why Praise? (Psalm 106)

Why in the world would you want to praise God? This is a command in the Scriptures, and a grand assumption when you walk into a church on a Sunday morning. But why? Why praise God? Listen in today as we learn about one of the most famous and oft-repeated phrases in the whole Bible - "give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever."

God's Vision for the World (Psalm 67)

What is God's vision for the world? Just as fireworks on the 4th of July point to a vision for the country we live in, so too do we learn in Psalm 67 of God's greatest desire for the whole world. Listen in today, on this special Missions Sunday, and learn about God's vision of praise from and gladness for all peoples.

I'm Afraid (Psalm 56)

What makes you afraid? And more importantly, what do you do when you are afraid? Listen in today as we learn from David in his moment of deep fear. What we find in amidst his fears of the unknown and of feeling abandoned is a man full of trust in the Living and Delivering God. What we find is that fear is actually an invitation to the very presence of God.

Worship, Thanksgiving, & the Goodness of God (Psalm 100)

Why is singing good for you? How can gratitude help you sleep? These are a few of the topics and questions addressed in this sermon on one of the most beautiful Scriptures in all of the Bible. But most importantly, this sermon from Psalm 100 address the ground for why worship even exists. The answer? Because God is good.

The Symphony of Praise (Psalm 150)

A symphony is a cascade of beautiful, full music that seems to come at you from every direction. This is what the Psalms are for the people of God, and the central theme of the Psalms is praise. Listen in today as we begin our spring/summer series through the Psalms, "the symphony of praise." We begin today at the end, with the crescendo of the Psalms, Psalm 150.

Walking With God: How? (Psalm 1)

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If there is a God and He is near to us and He desires to walk with us, how do we even do that? Psalm 1 shows us 3 ways NOT to walk with God. But it also gives us one beautiful picture of blessing for the person who "delights in the law of the Lord." Listen in for this finale of our 3-week sermon series "Walking With God" and learn with us from the ancients (today Micah, John, and Jesus) how we might practically walk with God in our modern world.

Walking With God: Where? (Psalm 42)

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"Where is your God?" This is the adversarial cry in Psalm 42 that is repeated twice. In today's sermon, we learn from the ancient path in Genesis, Jeremiah, and Zephaniah that God is remarkably "WITH" us. Join us as we investigate the location of the God whom many in the world seemingly can't seem to find. The remarkable truth that we unpack is that, on the contrary, God has been the One pursuing us in love the whole time.

Walking With God: Who? (Psalm 113)

This is the first of a 3-week mini-series, as we take a brief pause from our walk-through the book of Acts and now zoom in on what it means to personally "walk with God." This is the common image used throughout the Scriptures to describe people who are close to the heart of God, pursuing Him and being in His presence. But it's also the story of people who are being pursued by the loving and gracious God of the Bible, Today's first sermon in the series answers the basic question, "Who is God?" and gets into why walking with Him is even a good or desirable thing. Join us on this 3-week journey as we learn to walk with God in the modern world, with tremendous help from the ancient path trod by many faithful men and women before us.