
The Gospel in Jonah (Jonah 1:11-17)

What does Jesus have to do with Jonah? As the runaway prophet gets thrown overboard and hits the water, eventually finding himself famously in the mouth of a great fish, we see the stormy sea between Joppa and Tarshish calmed and the foreign sailors saved. When confronted with troubles and problems of various kinds in our lives, what will calm our troubled souls? Listen in today as we learn about sacrifice, substitution, and satisfaction - the heart of the Christian Gospel.

Good Friday | Jesus: The Sacrificed Savior (Mark 15:15-41)


Sacrifice. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. The disgraced become the embraced. Listen in as we see those Jesus embraces while on the cross. Which does your soul identify with on this day?