
The Beautiful Courtroom (Isaiah 6; Romans 3:21-26)

A courtroom can only be beautiful if you know you're going to walk out with a verdict of "innocent." In life in general, how do we know how we will be found on the final one day of judgement? Listen in to find one of the greatest surprises of all - how sinners become righteous and free forever.

The Storm of Holy-Love (Jonah 1:4)

When storms come to us in life (pains, troubles, trials, etc.), often we are quick to ask "why?" But as we learn today from God's intervening storm in Jonah 1:4, there is something meaningful for us in the storms of life. Listen in today as we learn about God's character of perfect holiness and love, and how they meet us in grace in the storms of life, helping us to see Jesus clearly amidst the waves and wind.

Fleeing the Presence of the LORD (Jonah 1:3)

"Is God really good?" When we scan the pages of Scripture, we find this to be a theme that is repeated in a diversity of ways, by a diversity of people throughout history. In this second sermon in the 11-week series in the book of Jonah, listen in as Mike Lilley traces Jonah's response to God's call. Why does Jonah choose to flee the opposite direction? His refusal to obey exposes his sin before God, bringing about great personal cost. But, more so, what does it show us about God Himself? Is He good? Is there any hope for us as people who are "prone to wander" and "prone to leave the God we love"?

The Seasoning of the Kingdom (Colossians 4:2-6)

We can all probably think of some of our favorite foods and meals we've had in life. Is it just the ingredients that make them special or rich, or is it more so about the seasoning that accompanies them? Listen in today as we apply that same logic to some of the core practices (or "ingredients") of the Kingdom of God, and learn from Paul what flavor-filled seasoning brings those practices to life.

True Spirituality: Community and the Cross (Matthew 13:24-30)

We live in what has been called "the lonely generation." Therefore, so many of us are longing for true community and a real experience of "life together" (as Dietrich Bonhoeffer so famously called it). Listen in this morning as we discover together what true community was always meant to be like, how it went wrong, and how the cross of Jesus Christ forms what our soul has always longed for - the true community, the church of Jesus Christ.

What To Do When Gifts Come (James 1:16-18)

What's one of the sneakiest ways that we have been deceived in the world today? By thinking that when good things happen, it's somehow because of something good we did. James steps in today and gives us a major, gracious corrective. He points us upward and inward, helping us to realize the transformative power that comes when seeing God as the gracious giver of every gift. Then he leaves us with one parting encouragement... pointing us outward to others. Listen in today to this anti-deception message on the power of the grace of God in the person of Jesus.

What To Do When Riches Come (James 1:9-11)

Money is alluring. And there is a reason why Jesus (and the Bible in general) talks about money so much. In today's text in James, we allow ourselves to ask the question we often secretly dream - "what would I do if riches came my way?" In James 1:9-11, there is a word for both the "lowly" and the "rich", and both are avenues to a place of deep, grace-filled freedom. Listen in today as we learn together how and why a life of lowliness is one to be pursued.

What To Do When Lack Comes (James 1:5-8)

"I don't know what to do!" How many times have you said or thought that? Feeling that we are lacking wisdom or not being sure what to do is a feeling all of us share in common. But the Bible lovingly trumpets a hopeful tune - that there is a God who is not only wise, but generous in dispensing it to a weary world lacking in wisdom. Listen in to today's sermon as we learn 3 beautiful character traits of God and then 3 gracious practical take-aways of what to do when we don't know what to do.

The Church: Embracing His Grace (Acts 20)

Are you a hugger? What's the difference between an awkward, uncomfortable bear hug and a true embrace? Listen in with us today as we see how God's grace given to us in the Gospel of Jesus is God's true embrace of us. Not even our fragility can keep God from opening His arms to us. Rather, dispensing His grace in full, God embraces us so we can embrace others with that same transformative grace.

The Church: Mundane and Glorious (Acts 15)

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As we return to our ongoing series through the book of Acts, we zoom in today on a church meeting where conflict is occurring. Sound likes a lot of churches even in the modern day! But what we learn in today's sermon is that it is actually in the mundane of church governance where the glory of God shines glorious. Listen in as we see how the predominantly Jewish early Church brings in the new and large Gentile-believing community. They choose not to add on extra burdens, but to instead rely on the same grace they received themselves.

Walking With God: How? (Psalm 1)

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If there is a God and He is near to us and He desires to walk with us, how do we even do that? Psalm 1 shows us 3 ways NOT to walk with God. But it also gives us one beautiful picture of blessing for the person who "delights in the law of the Lord." Listen in for this finale of our 3-week sermon series "Walking With God" and learn with us from the ancients (today Micah, John, and Jesus) how we might practically walk with God in our modern world.

Walking With God: Where? (Psalm 42)

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"Where is your God?" This is the adversarial cry in Psalm 42 that is repeated twice. In today's sermon, we learn from the ancient path in Genesis, Jeremiah, and Zephaniah that God is remarkably "WITH" us. Join us as we investigate the location of the God whom many in the world seemingly can't seem to find. The remarkable truth that we unpack is that, on the contrary, God has been the One pursuing us in love the whole time.

The Church: Little Christs (Acts 11:19-12:25)

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What is a "Christian"? This may seem like a silly question to ask because it has an obvious answer. But as the first followers of Jesus Christ are identified by this title for the first time in Antioch in Acts 11, it's good for us to pause and think deeper about what this means. So join in today as we learn the 13 things that the text tells us "Christians" are. But more than simply memorizing those 13 things, we learn deeper today that "Christians" are nothing more or less than those who image Christ, and become little versions of Him in our world.

The Church: Never Too Far (Acts 9:1-31)

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It's amazing how one person can make such an impact. In today's famous story, we learn about Saul of Tarsus' well-known conversion on the road to Damascus. But even deeper, we see the ever-extending grace of God at work in powerful ways. Join us today as we feel and experience the Pursuer God, relentlessly and extravagantly changing the course of history by transforming one man. And He uses His Church to do the good work!

The Church: Changed by Grace (Acts 4:31-5:42)

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The best definition and evidence of the of the Church is "grace." As we listen to a story today that causes fear in the early Church, we see that God takes seriously the genuineness of our actions done in His Name. But He also abundantly pours out His grace on His Church, empowering and changing them into a beautiful outpost of hope and care for our broken world. Listen in today as we explore the two evidences of grace, and the one lurking danger of grace in the story of Ananias and Sapphira.

Good Friday | Jesus: The Sacrificed Savior (Mark 15:15-41)


Sacrifice. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. The disgraced become the embraced. Listen in as we see those Jesus embraces while on the cross. Which does your soul identify with on this day?

Jesus: The Savior (Mark 11:1-11)


Many try to save the world, but only One uniquely can. What makes Jesus uniquely the Savior of the World? In this famous Palm Sunday passage, we walk with Jesus from Jericho, up to Bethany, Bethphage, and the Mount of Olives and ultimately into Jerusalem's temple, and discover how Jesus saves. We look at Jesus' burden, His method, His people, and finally His power.

Jesus: The Treasure (Mark 10:17-31)

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Money, possession, stuff. Jesus loves to talk about these things, even when (especially when!) they're uncomfortable for modern listeners. When Jesus is confronted by a young man with many possessions, who is looking for eternal answers, Jesus lovingly and graciously chips away at his assumptions and gives him (and the disciples) a surprising answer. Join us as we look at the trick, threat, thrill and truth of treasure, and discover at the end that Jesus Himself really is the One and only Treasure.