
Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14)

What would you say is the opposite of peace in your life? Whatever you identify as your answer, the Bible promises that Jesus comes to bring not only the fulfillment and completion of that emptiness, but also of every incomplete reality in the world. Listen in today as we learn from the words of the prophet Jeremiah about God's vision for peace, even in the darkest of circumstances in our lives - plans for redemption, restoration, and reconciliation.

Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6; John 17:1-5)

Nothing in our world is "everlasting" - not kings, not parents, not batteries, not milk! But the prophet Isaiah tells of a day when a Son is to be born who will be called "Everlasting Father." How are we are to understand how a son can be "Father" and how one born can also be called "Everlasting"? Listen in today as we learn from Jesus' words himself from John 17, and see the powerful relevance of Jesus today being "Everlasting Father."

Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 5:1-14)

There are times in life when we are so aware of our weakness that we just need something or someone strong to lean on. The prophet Isaiah tells us that the coming son Savior is the "Mighty God." Listen in today as we learn truly what it means that God is Mighty, learning from a magnificent vision of victory at the end of all things - Jesus as both the Lion and the Lamb.

Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:1-7)

We live in a time where having a counselor or therapist no longer comes with a social stigma. But still our brokenness, weariness, depression, and anxiety remains. For the season of Advent we turn in hope to the coming Son of God, who was born with titles unmistakably filled with meaning. Today we learn about how Jesus is the true and Wonderful Counselor of the world, and for you and me.

Home For Christmas: Jesus (John 14:23)

When Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem those many years ago, more than just a sentimental story was unfolding. As we learn from John 14:23, we see that when God put on flesh in the person of Jesus, Love itself was introduced to the world. Listen in today as we learn more about how the Love of God displayed fully in the Person of Jesus Christ invites us into our truest possible Home - Himself.

Home For Christmas: Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)

Where were you born? Your birthplace, in one way or another, comes to define you. This week, we dive into learning more about Jesus' birthplace - little & insignificant Bethlehem, the city of David. What does Bethlehem teach us about the heart of God? Listen in this week as we see together how God loves to uplift the "littles" of the world.

Home For Christmas: Eden (Genesis 2:15)

What are you nostalgic about? During the season of Christmas, nostalgia is a feeling many of us are experiencing. In today's sermon, we locate the place of nostalgia in our world today, and discover the one place where it can be truly met and fulfilled. To learn that, we go back to our first home - the Garden of Eden.

Home For Christmas: Heaven (Revelation 21:1)

Today marks the beginning of Advent, the season of "Arrival" remembering Jesus' first coming at his birth and longing for his second coming. As we begin this new 4-week series, we tap into that "longing" today that each of us feels deep within - a longing for our true, eternal HOME. Listen in today as we connect the dots from the baby in the manger to the New Heavens and New Earth coming for those who trust in Jesus.