
Mega Meals (Luke 9:10-17)

In this famous passage, the story shifts slightly from Jesus around a table to now Jesus out in a field with thousands of people. After a long day of teaching and learning, how will the day end? Jesus provides an amazing meal for every person. But what does this teach us for today? Listen in today to discover what Jesus is inviting us into and where true satisfaction is found.

The Table of Transformation (Luke 7:36-50)

In this story today we are introduced to two characters - a religious elite named Simon and an unnamed "sinful" woman. Who is welcome at Jesus's table? Who is the real host of this meal and who is received by the guest of honor? Listen in today as we have our assumptions challenged and as we learn how this applies to God's global heart.

Dynamic Unity (Ephesians 4:1-16)

The unity of the church is perhaps the biggest theme of the book of Ephesians. But how it comes about is a bit surprising. Listen in today as we learn about how to grow into maturity as believers, and how genuine unity in the gospel with others is actually how true spiritual maturity comes about.

Peace Over Evil (Matthew 2:1-23; Romans 16:19-20)

The biggest overarching problem facing our world continually is the presence of evil. How do we live in a world of evil? What is the better story that can reshape the way we live forever, even in the face of evil around us? Listen in today as we hear the story of Herod the King from the birth of Jesus story, and hear the apostle Paul's strong assurance of what is yet to come.

Peace Over Fear (Luke 2:8-21; Philippians 4:4-7)

In the Christmas story, the shepherds were terrified when the angels appeared to them announcing the birth of Jesus. Likewise, each of us can find ourselves full of fear throughout our lives. But as the angel told the shepherds to "Fear not" and that "peace on earth" was coming, so too is the peace of God offered to us. Listen in today as we learn more about how to face fear in our daily lives and find the peace of God to be everything we need.

Everything Sad Will Come Untrue (Ezekiel 37:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58)

Perhaps the greatest surprise of the gospel of Jesus is the promise of the end of the story. What happens when we die? Does this life we're living now matter at all? Listen in as we investigate the greatest of surprises, the promise of glorification.