Immanuel is one of the most important names in the Scriptures. It means "God With Us." But what does it mean for us? What does it teach us about who God really is?
The Beautiful Courtroom (Isaiah 6; Romans 3:21-26)
A courtroom can only be beautiful if you know you're going to walk out with a verdict of "innocent." In life in general, how do we know how we will be found on the final one day of judgement? Listen in to find one of the greatest surprises of all - how sinners become righteous and free forever.
Not Just the Opposite of Bad News (Isaiah 61; Matthew 11:1-6)
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just the opposite of bad news, but it's the invitation to the GOOD news. What does that mean? Listen in today as we hear a famous Scripture from the prophet Isaiah read, and then learn how Jesus Christ fulfills it in beauty.
Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14)
What would you say is the opposite of peace in your life? Whatever you identify as your answer, the Bible promises that Jesus comes to bring not only the fulfillment and completion of that emptiness, but also of every incomplete reality in the world. Listen in today as we learn from the words of the prophet Jeremiah about God's vision for peace, even in the darkest of circumstances in our lives - plans for redemption, restoration, and reconciliation.
Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6; John 17:1-5)
Nothing in our world is "everlasting" - not kings, not parents, not batteries, not milk! But the prophet Isaiah tells of a day when a Son is to be born who will be called "Everlasting Father." How are we are to understand how a son can be "Father" and how one born can also be called "Everlasting"? Listen in today as we learn from Jesus' words himself from John 17, and see the powerful relevance of Jesus today being "Everlasting Father."
Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 5:1-14)
There are times in life when we are so aware of our weakness that we just need something or someone strong to lean on. The prophet Isaiah tells us that the coming son Savior is the "Mighty God." Listen in today as we learn truly what it means that God is Mighty, learning from a magnificent vision of victory at the end of all things - Jesus as both the Lion and the Lamb.
Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:1-7)
We live in a time where having a counselor or therapist no longer comes with a social stigma. But still our brokenness, weariness, depression, and anxiety remains. For the season of Advent we turn in hope to the coming Son of God, who was born with titles unmistakably filled with meaning. Today we learn about how Jesus is the true and Wonderful Counselor of the world, and for you and me.
The Church: Scattered For a Purpose (Acts 8)
After the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7, the Church is scattered away from Jerusalem and into the rest of the region because of intense persecution. At first glance, this seems to be problematic for the advance of the Gospel. But as we peer into Acts 8, quite to the contrary, we read two extraordinary stories: one with a magician and one with an Ethiopian - both of whom come to faith in Jesus through the obedience of Philip to the call of the Holy Spirit. In today's sermon, Alan Vance focuses on the story of the Ethiopian eunuch and the power of God's Word to change lives... at any point and in any place.