
One (John 15:1-15; Galatians 2:20)

When you dress up for Halloween, you get to walk around & take on that identity for a short time by wearing a costume. That concept gets us halfway to understanding the full totality of what it means to have union with Christ. Listen in today as we learn more about one of the greatest theological truths in the Scriptures and why it is life-changing for us today.

Impossible Birth (Ezekiel 36:26-27; John 3:1-21)

Our first birth into this world is an utter miracle. But is that the greatest miracle in life? What do we do when we feel the great need, deep within us, to change. Listen in today as we listen to two voices from the Scriptures describe what change the heart can go through that radically changes everything.

The Story (Genesis to Revelation)

The power of stories cannot be overstated in our modern world. From Netflix to Harry Potter to children’s books, we are captivated by stories. What are the stories that have captured your heart and soul? This sermon begins a new series on the surprising Story of all stories, the one which brings hope to all people. Listen in today as we see how the Story of the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, beautifully intersects with each of our lives today and surprises us with grace upon grace.

Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6; John 17:1-5)

Nothing in our world is "everlasting" - not kings, not parents, not batteries, not milk! But the prophet Isaiah tells of a day when a Son is to be born who will be called "Everlasting Father." How are we are to understand how a son can be "Father" and how one born can also be called "Everlasting"? Listen in today as we learn from Jesus' words himself from John 17, and see the powerful relevance of Jesus today being "Everlasting Father."

True Spirituality: Surprise and the Cross (John 12:19-26)

Surprises are some of the best parts of the human experience. But what is it that causes the greatest surprise of all (the resurrection of Jesus Christ) to lose its luster over time for so many? Listen in to today's special Easter sermon that seeks to answer the question, how do we rediscover the wonder of the surprise of the resurrection of Jesus? May "Christ is Risen!" surprise anew throughout all the days of our life.

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Home For Christmas: Jesus (John 14:23)

When Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem those many years ago, more than just a sentimental story was unfolding. As we learn from John 14:23, we see that when God put on flesh in the person of Jesus, Love itself was introduced to the world. Listen in today as we learn more about how the Love of God displayed fully in the Person of Jesus Christ invites us into our truest possible Home - Himself.

The Church: Bold With the Gospel (Acts 4:1-31)

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There may be nothing more scary for the modern day Christian than the admonition to "share your faith" with others. But when we look at the early Church, particularly at John and Peter in Acts 4, we see a unique flavor of Gospel boldness. It's not a burden, but rather a belief. Listen in as we learn about how to unlock a boldness that is freeing, and not forced. The short answer? Genuine time with Jesus - the only way to true life.

The Church: In Jesus' Name (Acts 3:1-26)

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In today's Scripture, a remarkable event occurs... and it's not the healing of a lame beggar! Rather, "in Jesus' Name" Peter and John bring this man and all the onlookers more than they expected. Listen in today as we see how the power of the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth brings about more than we ever could have dreamed or imagined... even more than eternity. "God is on the move!"

An Epic Thirst (John 4:1-26)

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Jesus' famous encounter with the woman at the well in John 4 is a well known story. This week, Stephanie Clark (CEO of Amirah, Inc.) brings this poignant story to life in our modern day by teaching it through the lens of her work of rescuing women from the enslavement of human trafficking in New England. This story is a deep encouragement to all of us looking for true life and living water.

Are you thirsty?

Jesus: The Glory of God (Mark 9:2-13)

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Glory. What is it? Who is it? What happens when you're face-to-face with it? We've rounded the corner and have reached a climactic point in the first part of Mark's Gospel. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus shows the disciples something that will forever change them, their lives, and redemptive history forever. But while all this change takes place, Jesus does not change. He has always been who He shows them to be. How will you respond when you see Jesus this way?