
Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14)

What would you say is the opposite of peace in your life? Whatever you identify as your answer, the Bible promises that Jesus comes to bring not only the fulfillment and completion of that emptiness, but also of every incomplete reality in the world. Listen in today as we learn from the words of the prophet Jeremiah about God's vision for peace, even in the darkest of circumstances in our lives - plans for redemption, restoration, and reconciliation.

"And You..." (Colossians 1:21-23)

"FOMO" ("fear of missing out") is a common way some people today live out their life. As you listen in to Alan Vance preaching on the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Colossians 1:21-23, consider if this good news is something you would fear to miss out on. Living for Christ's Kingdom offers us the greatest possibility for true life - because it alone offers us reconciliation to God.