
Rule of Life (Psalm 16)

As we begin a new year, 2023, do you want something deeper than another attempt at resolutions? Individual Christians for centuries have compiled a unique "rule of life" to help give intentionality, rhythm, and delight to their journey though life. Listen in today as we are encouraged from Psalm 16 and then walked through some practical ways to begin crafting your own "rule of life."

Credit to Stephen Macchia and his helpful book "Crafting a Rule of Life"

Walking With God: How? (Psalm 1)

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If there is a God and He is near to us and He desires to walk with us, how do we even do that? Psalm 1 shows us 3 ways NOT to walk with God. But it also gives us one beautiful picture of blessing for the person who "delights in the law of the Lord." Listen in for this finale of our 3-week sermon series "Walking With God" and learn with us from the ancients (today Micah, John, and Jesus) how we might practically walk with God in our modern world.