
The Beautiful Courtroom (Isaiah 6; Romans 3:21-26)

A courtroom can only be beautiful if you know you're going to walk out with a verdict of "innocent." In life in general, how do we know how we will be found on the final one day of judgement? Listen in to find one of the greatest surprises of all - how sinners become righteous and free forever.

By Faith (Hebrews 11)

Faith is one of the most fundamental parts of Christianity. But in a world of multitasking, distraction, and competing ideas, having a singular-focus on Jesus Himself can be admittedly difficult. How do we "fix our eyes" on Jesus alone? Listen in today as we learn about how faith invites us to see a new world, to look around at one another without competing, and to run the marathon of faith and not merely short sprints.

"Faith is that which is able to survive a mood." - G.K. Chesterton

The Kind of Faith the World Really Needs (Jonah 1:7-10)

When the microphone gets passed to you, and the spotlight is on you to speak, what hope would you speak to someone in trouble? When Jonah finds himself in that place, we learn about where he finds his truest identity. Listen today as we see how insufficient Jonah's shallow faith is for the fearful sailors in the storm, and instead what kind of faith the world then and now needs from us. As we learn, it begins with not simply understanding “who” we are, but more so “Whose” we are.

Walking With God: How? (Psalm 1)

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If there is a God and He is near to us and He desires to walk with us, how do we even do that? Psalm 1 shows us 3 ways NOT to walk with God. But it also gives us one beautiful picture of blessing for the person who "delights in the law of the Lord." Listen in for this finale of our 3-week sermon series "Walking With God" and learn with us from the ancients (today Micah, John, and Jesus) how we might practically walk with God in our modern world.

The Church: In Jesus' Name (Acts 3:1-26)

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In today's Scripture, a remarkable event occurs... and it's not the healing of a lame beggar! Rather, "in Jesus' Name" Peter and John bring this man and all the onlookers more than they expected. Listen in today as we see how the power of the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth brings about more than we ever could have dreamed or imagined... even more than eternity. "God is on the move!"