
What To Do When Gifts Come (James 1:16-18)

What's one of the sneakiest ways that we have been deceived in the world today? By thinking that when good things happen, it's somehow because of something good we did. James steps in today and gives us a major, gracious corrective. He points us upward and inward, helping us to realize the transformative power that comes when seeing God as the gracious giver of every gift. Then he leaves us with one parting encouragement... pointing us outward to others. Listen in today to this anti-deception message on the power of the grace of God in the person of Jesus.

The Church: Bold With the Gospel (Acts 4:1-31)

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There may be nothing more scary for the modern day Christian than the admonition to "share your faith" with others. But when we look at the early Church, particularly at John and Peter in Acts 4, we see a unique flavor of Gospel boldness. It's not a burden, but rather a belief. Listen in as we learn about how to unlock a boldness that is freeing, and not forced. The short answer? Genuine time with Jesus - the only way to true life.

Jesus: The Savior (Mark 11:1-11)


Many try to save the world, but only One uniquely can. What makes Jesus uniquely the Savior of the World? In this famous Palm Sunday passage, we walk with Jesus from Jericho, up to Bethany, Bethphage, and the Mount of Olives and ultimately into Jerusalem's temple, and discover how Jesus saves. We look at Jesus' burden, His method, His people, and finally His power.