
What To Do When Anger Comes (James 1:19-21)

"Angry" is a word that could describe so much of our world today. Anger at others, anger at leaders, anger at circumstances, and yes even anger at God. But anger is something all of us will feel frequently throughout life. So how then are we to best deal with anger? Listen in today as we learn three radical counter-cultural truths that James reveals in 1:19-21. The surprising answer... gentleness.

What To Do When Gifts Come (James 1:16-18)

What's one of the sneakiest ways that we have been deceived in the world today? By thinking that when good things happen, it's somehow because of something good we did. James steps in today and gives us a major, gracious corrective. He points us upward and inward, helping us to realize the transformative power that comes when seeing God as the gracious giver of every gift. Then he leaves us with one parting encouragement... pointing us outward to others. Listen in today to this anti-deception message on the power of the grace of God in the person of Jesus.

What To Do When Temptations Come (James 1:13-15)

What's the difference between a trial and a temptation? Temptations often are personal. Today in James 1:13-15, we learn from Scripture why we can never scapegoat God when we are tempted. Though we are all tempted, the origin of temptation actually comes from an often unsuspecting source. But God Himself is also the often unsuspecting Giver of exactly what we need when temptations do come our way.

What To Do When Trials Come - Part 2 (James 1:12)

Many of us have come to believe that God is real. But, as Alan Vance says in today's sermon, many of us still question whether God is actually altogether good. This is especially the case when we experience trials in life. Listen in to today's sermon as Alan teaches us from James 1:12 what steadfastness looks like, how trials again have a deeper beautiful purpose for our lives, and finally what "the crown of life" really is.

What To Do When Riches Come (James 1:9-11)

Money is alluring. And there is a reason why Jesus (and the Bible in general) talks about money so much. In today's text in James, we allow ourselves to ask the question we often secretly dream - "what would I do if riches came my way?" In James 1:9-11, there is a word for both the "lowly" and the "rich", and both are avenues to a place of deep, grace-filled freedom. Listen in today as we learn together how and why a life of lowliness is one to be pursued.

What To Do When Lack Comes (James 1:5-8)

"I don't know what to do!" How many times have you said or thought that? Feeling that we are lacking wisdom or not being sure what to do is a feeling all of us share in common. But the Bible lovingly trumpets a hopeful tune - that there is a God who is not only wise, but generous in dispensing it to a weary world lacking in wisdom. Listen in to today's sermon as we learn 3 beautiful character traits of God and then 3 gracious practical take-aways of what to do when we don't know what to do.

What To Do When Trials Come (James 1:1-4)

A new calendar year is a good time for reflection. Beginning today, we will spend 8 weeks looking at what (or Who) James invites us to reflect on in James Ch. 1. In today's intro sermon, we reflect on a harsh reality each of us know - trials of various kinds are a part of life. But James shocks us with a few surprise truths. Listen in as we discover together that what none of us want to go through (trials) is actually life’s most surprising path to where all of us want to arrive (joy).

The Church: Mundane and Glorious (Acts 15)

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As we return to our ongoing series through the book of Acts, we zoom in today on a church meeting where conflict is occurring. Sound likes a lot of churches even in the modern day! But what we learn in today's sermon is that it is actually in the mundane of church governance where the glory of God shines glorious. Listen in as we see how the predominantly Jewish early Church brings in the new and large Gentile-believing community. They choose not to add on extra burdens, but to instead rely on the same grace they received themselves.

Jesus: The Glory of God (Mark 9:2-13)

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Glory. What is it? Who is it? What happens when you're face-to-face with it? We've rounded the corner and have reached a climactic point in the first part of Mark's Gospel. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus shows the disciples something that will forever change them, their lives, and redemptive history forever. But while all this change takes place, Jesus does not change. He has always been who He shows them to be. How will you respond when you see Jesus this way?