Surprised by the Gospel

Everything Sad Will Come Untrue (Ezekiel 37:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58)

Perhaps the greatest surprise of the gospel of Jesus is the promise of the end of the story. What happens when we die? Does this life we're living now matter at all? Listen in as we investigate the greatest of surprises, the promise of glorification.

The First Days of the Rest of Your Life (Romans 6; Galatians 5:16-26)

After believing in Jesus, you are changed immediately forever. But what is the goal and purpose of your life then going forward? Listen in today as we lean into the biblical theme of sanctification, and what every day for the rest of your life should be like.

One (John 15:1-15; Galatians 2:20)

When you dress up for Halloween, you get to walk around & take on that identity for a short time by wearing a costume. That concept gets us halfway to understanding the full totality of what it means to have union with Christ. Listen in today as we learn more about one of the greatest theological truths in the Scriptures and why it is life-changing for us today.

Brought In (Exodus 1:8-2:10; Galatians 3:23-4:7)

Adoption is not only a literal global need, but it is also the greatest spiritual need we have as humans as well. As we read the stories of Scripture we discover the theme of adoption pulsating off the pages, of how the God of creation did everything and spent everything to buy us back and make us part of his family. Listen in today as the most famous singular adoption story in the Bible is read, and how one of the greatest theological beauties is taught from the New Testament.

The Beautiful Courtroom (Isaiah 6; Romans 3:21-26)

A courtroom can only be beautiful if you know you're going to walk out with a verdict of "innocent." In life in general, how do we know how we will be found on the final one day of judgement? Listen in to find one of the greatest surprises of all - how sinners become righteous and free forever.

Impossible Birth (Ezekiel 36:26-27; John 3:1-21)

Our first birth into this world is an utter miracle. But is that the greatest miracle in life? What do we do when we feel the great need, deep within us, to change. Listen in today as we listen to two voices from the Scriptures describe what change the heart can go through that radically changes everything.

The Story (Genesis to Revelation)

The power of stories cannot be overstated in our modern world. From Netflix to Harry Potter to children’s books, we are captivated by stories. What are the stories that have captured your heart and soul? This sermon begins a new series on the surprising Story of all stories, the one which brings hope to all people. Listen in today as we see how the Story of the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, beautifully intersects with each of our lives today and surprises us with grace upon grace.