Hard Times. Hard Questions. Hard Won Hope. (Psalm 77)

Lament is one of the most used types of prayer in the Psalms. But it seems to be one of the least understood or practiced by modern people. Why is that the case? Listen in today as we learn more about the power of lament prayer and how it can help you through the hardest of times.

Friendship With God (Psalm 25)

Are you lonely? Do you wish you had close friendships? Do you struggle to know what to do to develop those close friendships? David in Psalm 25 expresses similar thoughts. Listen in today and learn with us how God draws near to the lonely and invites us into a model of friendship that can change our life.

Father of Fathers (Psalm 68)

If you think about your father, you know how special and valuable that relationship is. And if you are a father yourself, you know how imperfect of a father you are. So as we come to Psalm 68, it is so reassuring and comforting to read about the Father who never fails. Listen in today to hear about how God protects, cares, and guides us like no other.

What Are You Drinking? (Acts 2)

We all have to drink, both in order to stay alive and to live merrily. The only question is what we choose to drink. As we conclude this 6-week series "At the Table With Jesus", we find ourselves in a story without a physical Jesus and without a literal table. Yet, we discover something powerful being poured out and something deeply meaningful occurring in the lives of those drinking. For the onlookers, all they could say is, "Are these people drunk?" Listen in today and learn how the coming of the Holy Spirit changes everything.

When the Story Comes to Life (Luke 24:13-35)

All of us walk the road of suffering at times in our life. What do we need most in those times? A listening ear, an encouraging word, a table of food and drink. Listen in today as Mike Lilley teaches us about an amazing story of the resurrected Jesus appearing to two weary walkers, and how he brings the Story of all stories to life to them.

The Purpose of Your Table (Luke 14:1-14)

In this passage, Jesus has particular and pointed things to say to people who are suspicious of him, people who are in places of privilege, and to hosts of fancy parties. What is he speaking to you through these challenging words? Listen in today and see how Jesus's upside-down, inside-out comments resonate with your heart.

Mega Meals (Luke 9:10-17)

In this famous passage, the story shifts slightly from Jesus around a table to now Jesus out in a field with thousands of people. After a long day of teaching and learning, how will the day end? Jesus provides an amazing meal for every person. But what does this teach us for today? Listen in today to discover what Jesus is inviting us into and where true satisfaction is found.

The Table of Transformation (Luke 7:36-50)

In this story today we are introduced to two characters - a religious elite named Simon and an unnamed "sinful" woman. Who is welcome at Jesus's table? Who is the real host of this meal and who is received by the guest of honor? Listen in today as we have our assumptions challenged and as we learn how this applies to God's global heart.

Come Meet My Friends (Luke 5:27-32)

There's no greater theme in the gospel of Luke than Jesus sitting around a table with other people. Listen in today to the first of 6 stories we'll walk through that detail how Jesus interacts with people over a shared meal. How does Jesus get to your table? Who would be at that table with you? What is Jesus's heart towards you and your friends?

Fearless (Ephesians 6:10-20)

What should we think about the unseen spiritual world? How should we properly consider the reality of spiritual warfare? For many of us, the mere idea of a spiritual battle brings fear. So listen in today as we consider how this text helps us to live fearlessly for the cause of Jesus in our city of Salem.

Artwork mentioned - "The Release from Deception" (by Italian sculptor Francesco Queirolo in 1759)

Book quoted from with regards to the armor of God in Ephesians 6:14-17 - "The Invisible War" (by Chip Ingram)

Home & Work (Ephesians 5:22-6:9)

Where do you spend the vast majority of your non-sleeping time? Like most people, I imagine it's at home with your family and at your place of work. So how can we be used by God as lights in those places? Listen in today as we learn some about what the Scriptures tell us about marriage, parenting, and the workplace.