
God's Vision for the World (Psalm 67)

What is God's vision for the world? Just as fireworks on the 4th of July point to a vision for the country we live in, so too do we learn in Psalm 67 of God's greatest desire for the whole world. Listen in today, on this special Missions Sunday, and learn about God's vision of praise from and gladness for all peoples.

I'm Afraid (Psalm 56)

What makes you afraid? And more importantly, what do you do when you are afraid? Listen in today as we learn from David in his moment of deep fear. What we find in amidst his fears of the unknown and of feeling abandoned is a man full of trust in the Living and Delivering God. What we find is that fear is actually an invitation to the very presence of God.

The Symphony of Praise (Psalm 150)

A symphony is a cascade of beautiful, full music that seems to come at you from every direction. This is what the Psalms are for the people of God, and the central theme of the Psalms is praise. Listen in today as we begin our spring/summer series through the Psalms, "the symphony of praise." We begin today at the end, with the crescendo of the Psalms, Psalm 150.