
The Church: Mundane and Glorious (Acts 15)

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As we return to our ongoing series through the book of Acts, we zoom in today on a church meeting where conflict is occurring. Sound likes a lot of churches even in the modern day! But what we learn in today's sermon is that it is actually in the mundane of church governance where the glory of God shines glorious. Listen in as we see how the predominantly Jewish early Church brings in the new and large Gentile-believing community. They choose not to add on extra burdens, but to instead rely on the same grace they received themselves.

The Church: Uncommon (Acts 10:1-11:18)

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The story of Cornelius and Peter in Acts 10-11 is told 3 separate times throughout those chapters. Because it's told three times, it must mean we need to really listen well to what is being told through that story! This sermon is about a clarion call to the global Church for all times - "God shows no partiality" (Acts 10:34) and the Church is for Jews and Gentiles. Listen in as we learn about what makes the Church uncommon in world always, and how the Olympic Games and NBA Finals give us examples.