
The Church: Submitting to the Way (Acts 24-26)

How do the way of politics and the Way of Jesus relate? In this sermon from November 14, Pastor Steven analyzes Paul's three interactions with three different politicians in Acts 24-26. How does Paul submit to the government? And ultimately how does he show the truer Way of Jesus? Listen in with us as we try learn together how to be faithful, submitting Christians in complicated political times.

The Church: Embracing His Grace (Acts 20)

Are you a hugger? What's the difference between an awkward, uncomfortable bear hug and a true embrace? Listen in with us today as we see how God's grace given to us in the Gospel of Jesus is God's true embrace of us. Not even our fragility can keep God from opening His arms to us. Rather, dispensing His grace in full, God embraces us so we can embrace others with that same transformative grace.

The Church: Equipping the Saints (Acts 19)

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In Acts 19, we see and learn something important about why the Church exists. In the challenging city of Ephesus, where witchcraft and magic arts was commonplace, we learn the importance of not just being a Christian, but of also being equipped to be a Christian. What does that bring? What does that require? What does that kind of equipping do? Listen with us today to learn about the power of the Holy Spirit in equipping believers - even making us able to give up other alluring spiritual forces.

The Church: Community In, For & With Jesus (Acts 18)

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What is Christian community? What is unique about the Church? As thousands from around the country and the world flood to our city during the month of October, what are they seeing about the reality of the Church? Listen in today as we hear from Alan Vance about the power of Christian community. And what's the secret to this unique community? Centrally, it is all about the person of Jesus Christ.

The Church: For Every Culture (Acts 17)

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Through the book of Acts, on his missionary journeys Paul encounters cultures of many varieties and with great diversity. Acts 17 is the climactic place where we wrestle with the question, "How does the Gospel relate to culture?" Join us today as we watch how Paul universally brings the Gospel with unique beauty into three different cultures - Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. How does Paul show us how to relate the Gospel to our culture of today?

The Church: Mundane and Glorious (Acts 15)

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As we return to our ongoing series through the book of Acts, we zoom in today on a church meeting where conflict is occurring. Sound likes a lot of churches even in the modern day! But what we learn in today's sermon is that it is actually in the mundane of church governance where the glory of God shines glorious. Listen in as we see how the predominantly Jewish early Church brings in the new and large Gentile-believing community. They choose not to add on extra burdens, but to instead rely on the same grace they received themselves.

The Church: Uncommon (Acts 10:1-11:18)

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The story of Cornelius and Peter in Acts 10-11 is told 3 separate times throughout those chapters. Because it's told three times, it must mean we need to really listen well to what is being told through that story! This sermon is about a clarion call to the global Church for all times - "God shows no partiality" (Acts 10:34) and the Church is for Jews and Gentiles. Listen in as we learn about what makes the Church uncommon in world always, and how the Olympic Games and NBA Finals give us examples.

The Church: Scattered For a Purpose (Acts 8)

After the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7, the Church is scattered away from Jerusalem and into the rest of the region because of intense persecution. At first glance, this seems to be problematic for the advance of the Gospel. But as we peer into Acts 8, quite to the contrary, we read two extraordinary stories: one with a magician and one with an Ethiopian - both of whom come to faith in Jesus through the obedience of Philip to the call of the Holy Spirit. In today's sermon, Alan Vance focuses on the story of the Ethiopian eunuch and the power of God's Word to change lives... at any point and in any place.

The Church: Changed by Grace (Acts 4:31-5:42)

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The best definition and evidence of the of the Church is "grace." As we listen to a story today that causes fear in the early Church, we see that God takes seriously the genuineness of our actions done in His Name. But He also abundantly pours out His grace on His Church, empowering and changing them into a beautiful outpost of hope and care for our broken world. Listen in today as we explore the two evidences of grace, and the one lurking danger of grace in the story of Ananias and Sapphira.

The Church: In Jesus' Name (Acts 3:1-26)

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In today's Scripture, a remarkable event occurs... and it's not the healing of a lame beggar! Rather, "in Jesus' Name" Peter and John bring this man and all the onlookers more than they expected. Listen in today as we see how the power of the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth brings about more than we ever could have dreamed or imagined... even more than eternity. "God is on the move!"

The Church: Organized for a Purpose (Acts 1:12-26)

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As the earliest disciples await the coming of the promised Holy Spirit, a clear question emerges - "What now???" It is in this in-between passage - after Jesus' ascension and before the Holy Spirit's coming - that the Church begins to be organized. In this sermon, we learn that the Church can best and most freely witness to a watching world when it is organized under God’s clear leading.

The Church: Empowered for a Purpose (Acts 1:1-11)

"God is on the move!" As we begin a new series in the book of Acts, we see two primary actors emerge: The Holy Spirit and the Church. These are God's two primary agents of action in spreading the gospel of Jesus all around. Today we look at the introduction, and see how the Church is empowered for a specific purpose. Join us on this journey through Acts as we come to understand what the Church is to be in the world today.