
The Beautiful Courtroom (Isaiah 6; Romans 3:21-26)

A courtroom can only be beautiful if you know you're going to walk out with a verdict of "innocent." In life in general, how do we know how we will be found on the final one day of judgement? Listen in to find one of the greatest surprises of all - how sinners become righteous and free forever.

Fleeing the Presence of the LORD (Jonah 1:3)

"Is God really good?" When we scan the pages of Scripture, we find this to be a theme that is repeated in a diversity of ways, by a diversity of people throughout history. In this second sermon in the 11-week series in the book of Jonah, listen in as Mike Lilley traces Jonah's response to God's call. Why does Jonah choose to flee the opposite direction? His refusal to obey exposes his sin before God, bringing about great personal cost. But, more so, what does it show us about God Himself? Is He good? Is there any hope for us as people who are "prone to wander" and "prone to leave the God we love"?

"And You..." (Colossians 1:21-23)

"FOMO" ("fear of missing out") is a common way some people today live out their life. As you listen in to Alan Vance preaching on the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Colossians 1:21-23, consider if this good news is something you would fear to miss out on. Living for Christ's Kingdom offers us the greatest possibility for true life - because it alone offers us reconciliation to God.

True Spirituality: Authenticity and the Cross (Luke 18:9-14)

Authenticity is something we all are longing for. We all want to be the real, genuine version of ourself. But how can I be truly me, and not some phony, fake version of myself? In this stirring parable today, Jesus shows how true life is found. Once again, in a surprising twist, Jesus shows that it's not by accomplishing something that we find ourselves. Rather, it is by acknowledging what we can never be. Listen in to today's sermon to learn more about the way of humility that Jesus so beautifully reveals.

Jesus: The Exposer (Mark 7:1-23)

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Being exposed is not easy. It can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, or bring shame. Therefore, most of us don't want to naturally go there ourselves. But there is something transcendently powerful about exposure as well. In Mark 7, Jesus begins to show us that there is one place where true, healthy, trusted exposure can take place - before Him. Jesus invites the Pharisees (and us today) to bring our hiddenness (no matter how ugly) before God and trust Him to restore us perfectly with what He alone can provide.

"What are you putting in your heart?"

Jesus: The Forgiver (Mark 2:1-17)

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Most people would probably say that forgiveness is a noble and good thing. But, like most noble things, it’s also really hard to actually do. In Mark 2, a pretty extraordinary example of forgiveness occurs. A paralyzed man is brought (actually dropped down!) to Jesus. The man is clearly seeking to be healed, but Jesus first gives him something he wasn’t asking for. What’s really going on in this story? Jesus is unveiling to us a pathway to forgiveness. We learn that when we bring brokenness to Jesus, we receive a more beautiful and valuable mending than we ever could have dreamed.