If the goal of the Christian life is to become more and more like Jesus, how do we do that, especially when life gets really hard? The New Testament leads us to a surprising recurring teaching - perseverance. Listen in today as we learn together how to persevere in life.
By Faith (Hebrews 11)
Faith is one of the most fundamental parts of Christianity. But in a world of multitasking, distraction, and competing ideas, having a singular-focus on Jesus Himself can be admittedly difficult. How do we "fix our eyes" on Jesus alone? Listen in today as we learn about how faith invites us to see a new world, to look around at one another without competing, and to run the marathon of faith and not merely short sprints.
"Faith is that which is able to survive a mood." - G.K. Chesterton
What To Do When the Word of God Comes (James 1:22-27)
As we finish our short sermon series on James 1, we're left with a memorable challenge from James. Listen in today as we learn together the only true ways to respond to God's Word when it comes to you. It has more to do with our feet than with our ears.