
The Most Important Thing About Us (Jonah 4:5-11)

What is the most important thing about you? As we arrive at the end of Jonah's epic story, we begin to finally see God reveal Jonah's deepest heart. What does Jonah care most about? Through the object lesson of a plant and worm, God not only reveals Jonah's heart, but ours as well. Along the way, we discover the most important thing about God too - that He loves humans more than we ever thought possible.

Do You Do Well? (Jonah 4:1-4)

In all sincerity, how are you doing today? Is it well with your soul today? How would you answer God if that question was posed to you today? Listen in as Mike Lilley teaches us about how Jonah was doing after God showed great mercy on the city of Nineveh. Why was Jonah so angry? Is God neglecting justice for the sake of mercy? Listen in today to learn how God's deepest character and what makes Him uniquely able to be both just and merciful at once.

Keep the Change (Jonah 3:1-10)

In this story from Jonah today, we see a stunning change happen in the city of Nineveh. Jonah gets a second chance at obedience, the Word of God is delivered, and then repentance rolls throughout the city and the great compassion of God is seen. This is a great model for how change happens for us as well. Listen in today then and discover afresh how true changes settles deep into us.

True Spirituality: Beauty and the Cross (Luke 15:11-32)

Humans are all beauty-seeking creatures. We love sunsets, delicious foods, the smell of spring flowers and so much more. But what is true beauty? Listen today to a well-known parable of Jesus, where He unveils for us the pursuing love of the Father.

True Spirituality: Rest and the Cross (Matthew 13:31-32)

We are a tired and weary generation, burned-out from overwork and unrealized rest. We long universally for rest today. But what can truly bring what we long for most? Listen in today to a classic parable of Jesus about a tiny seed that grows, and for a surprising answer to what our soul longs for.

True Spirituality: Authenticity and the Cross (Luke 18:9-14)

Authenticity is something we all are longing for. We all want to be the real, genuine version of ourself. But how can I be truly me, and not some phony, fake version of myself? In this stirring parable today, Jesus shows how true life is found. Once again, in a surprising twist, Jesus shows that it's not by accomplishing something that we find ourselves. Rather, it is by acknowledging what we can never be. Listen in to today's sermon to learn more about the way of humility that Jesus so beautifully reveals.

True Spirituality: Community and the Cross (Matthew 13:24-30)

We live in what has been called "the lonely generation." Therefore, so many of us are longing for true community and a real experience of "life together" (as Dietrich Bonhoeffer so famously called it). Listen in this morning as we discover together what true community was always meant to be like, how it went wrong, and how the cross of Jesus Christ forms what our soul has always longed for - the true community, the church of Jesus Christ.

True Spirituality: Silence and the Cross (Matthew 13:10-17)

In a noisy world, we all are beginning to realize the profound place that silence should play in our lives. We need quiet, reflective moments to sustain us. But what is true silence? What does God want to teach about our longing for silence? Listen in today as we learn from Jesus the purpose of parables, and discover the true "sound of silence" that leads to a deep prayer life with the Living God who hears.

True Spirituality: Curiosity and the Cross (Matthew 13:44-46)

Are you curious? As we begin the season of Lent ( the 40 days of reflection on the cross between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday), we begin a new series looking at spirituality. In a world that celebrates spiritualities, what is true that we can cling to? How does the cross of Jesus Christ factor in? Is it good to be curious? Let's learn from an old parable of Jesus about treasure to find the answer.

Good Friday | Jesus: The Sacrificed Savior (Mark 15:15-41)


Sacrifice. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. The disgraced become the embraced. Listen in as we see those Jesus embraces while on the cross. Which does your soul identify with on this day?

Maundy Thursday | Jesus: The Sorrowful Savior (Mark 14:32-42)


Sorrow. A word we love to flee from. As we zoom into the Garden of Gethsemane experience of Jesus and His disciples after the Last Supper, we see what makes those around Jesus sorrowful. But then we see Jesus. Jesus is filled with sorrow in His soul. Join us as Jesus shows us the way of sorrow in our soul that leads to hope.

Jesus: The Savior (Mark 11:1-11)


Many try to save the world, but only One uniquely can. What makes Jesus uniquely the Savior of the World? In this famous Palm Sunday passage, we walk with Jesus from Jericho, up to Bethany, Bethphage, and the Mount of Olives and ultimately into Jerusalem's temple, and discover how Jesus saves. We look at Jesus' burden, His method, His people, and finally His power.

Jesus: The Treasure (Mark 10:17-31)

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Money, possession, stuff. Jesus loves to talk about these things, even when (especially when!) they're uncomfortable for modern listeners. When Jesus is confronted by a young man with many possessions, who is looking for eternal answers, Jesus lovingly and graciously chips away at his assumptions and gives him (and the disciples) a surprising answer. Join us as we look at the trick, threat, thrill and truth of treasure, and discover at the end that Jesus Himself really is the One and only Treasure.

Jesus: The Glory of God (Mark 9:2-13)

Glory. What is it? Who is it? What happens when you're face-to-face with it? We've rounded the corner and have reached a climactic point in the first part of Mark's Gospel. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus shows the disciples something that will forever change them, their lives, and redemptive history forever. But while all this change takes place, Jesus does not change. He has always been who He shows them to be. How will you respond when you see Jesus this way?

Jesus: The Christ (Mark 8:27-9:1)

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This is the turning point in the gospel of Mark. Jesus begins to unveil to his disciples the identity of the one they've watched heal, teach, and forgive people. Jesus is "the Christ", the long-awaited Savior for the world. But what does His identity teach us, and, more so, what does it show those who take on His identity, "Christian"? Journey with us and Jesus to a place the world sees as a place for fools, losers, and outcasts. But Jesus all the while is paving a more redeeming, yet surprising, path.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

Jesus: The Exposer (Mark 7:1-23)

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Being exposed is not easy. It can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, or bring shame. Therefore, most of us don't want to naturally go there ourselves. But there is something transcendently powerful about exposure as well. In Mark 7, Jesus begins to show us that there is one place where true, healthy, trusted exposure can take place - before Him. Jesus invites the Pharisees (and us today) to bring our hiddenness (no matter how ugly) before God and trust Him to restore us perfectly with what He alone can provide.

"What are you putting in your heart?"

Jesus: The Essential (Mark 6:7-13)

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What kind of packer are you? Light? Heavy? Unorganized? Rushed? In this sermon, introducing us to the season of Lent on the church calendar, Jesus foreshadows the Great Commission, by sending His first 12 disciples out on a mission journey. But what does He send them with? Without? What does He make sure they don't forget? Listen in and discern what Jesus makes sure we don't forget either.